Hine Downing Partner Leaving Law for the Country Life

As Partner in one of Cornwall’s leading law firms Anne Upfold has ploughed her expertise in the legal side of country pursuits into strengthening and diversifying the Commercial Department of Falmouth-based Hine Downing.
Her horses, dogs and farm will be the beneficiaries of her retirement – along with husband John – after almost three decades working first with CV Downing & Co which merged with Hine, Stonehouse & Barrington in 1998 to become Hine Downing.
“Anne’s knowledge of agricultural, equestrian and planning law has been most beneficial,” says fellow Commercial Partner John Lowry, “and over the twenty years we have worked together she has helped our Department expand and grow in those areas as well as establishing and nurturing general commercial contacts and clients.
“We’re a sporting firm and Hine Downing is proud to support clubs and activities across Falmouth and the surrounding area: while most of us live and work by the sea here in Falmouth, Anne has brought the refreshing extra dimension of a truly passionate countrywoman to our business – she will be greatly missed.”
Anne herself appreciates the benefits of a broad range of interests within a partnership: “The Hine Downing Partners and our colleagues are all very different personalities but we all have something to contribute,” she says, “and whilst discussions might sometimes become ‘lively’ we always agreed a positive way forward. I was also really privileged to experience a very loyal client base with whom I enjoyed a good and sound business relationship over many years.”
While Anne will miss her clients and colleagues at Hine Downing, she is looking forward to enjoying more travelling with John (who incidentally is not retiring just yet, to the great relief of the numerous young people he has taught or is teaching to drive.)
“I’ll be riding my horses, walking farther afield with our dogs and generally working on our small farm,” says Anne, “whilst also taking time to read more ‘non-legal based’ books and smell the roses!”