New guidance for people requiring face to face support at Hine Downing

As the government continue to ease lockdown and increase the activity that businesses are able to partake in, we are pleased to announce that our offices have now reopened to those who require face to face meetings with our team. We have put in place a number of safety measures in line with the Government guidance to help ensure the safety of our staff and clients.
If you wish to see a member of the team, we ask that you call in advance where we will be able to offer you an appointment at a designated time. Our meeting rooms have social distancing precautions in place and are sanitised before and after each meeting.
Please note that in line with current government legislation, all visitors must wear a face covering when on our premises.
When you arrange your meeting, you will be asked to confirm whether you are displaying any coronavirus symptoms. Please cancel the meeting if you develop symptoms and we will be happy to rearrange it for you. Parking is available in our car park as usual. Please arrive on time for your meeting and if you need to bring anyone with you we must be notified in advance.
When you arrive please go to the front door and ring the doorbell. You will then be shown to your allocated meeting room where hand sanitiser is available for you to please use. Protective gloves are also available if you require them.
At the end of your meeting, you will be guided directly from the building to ensure social distancing measures are maintained.
If within seven days following your meeting you develop coronavirus symptoms you must advise us. We will advise you if during the same period anyone you have come into contact with during your visit develops symptoms.
If your visit is only to deliver documents then please post them through the letter box without ringing the doorbell.
Throughout this period we have been offering phone consultations to all our clients and will continue to do so for those people shielding, isolating or still wishing to conduct business via telephone. However, we are working hard to ensure that the office is safe for those who would prefer to see a member of the team in person.
Despite the lockdown we have endeavoured to offer our clients the same high level of service as always and we hope that these new measures will enable more of our clients to access support when they need it, in the way that best suits them. To find out more or to book an appointment, please call us on 01326 316655 or email: